How We Sashaying Into 2021

Image: Barbara Pamplin (Ohuninifa)     Photo Credit: Kariba Photography

Image: Barbara Pamplin (Ohuninifa) Photo Credit: Kariba Photography

TRIGGER ALERT! I write with ancestral spirits and my people are direct and no nonsense. Rather than be worried about us being in our feelings, they are more concerned about the clarity and urgency of the message to jolt me and you to do what we incarnated here at this time to do,. What I write has been “said” to me pretty bluntly but I’ll do my best to provide some phonetic honey to ease the bee sting of Truth.

2020 has been hard AF! We are in difficult times. We are giving birth to ourselves. Now, more than ever we need compassion, connection, and safety to feel whole and grounded. Social distancing and mandatory mask policies are being practiced in countries across the world in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. Countries that have done this swiftly and decisively, without giving in to the rantings of some of its puerile public or its malevolent millionaires or its patriarchal politicians, have successfully weathered part one of this Corona storm. There are varying opinions if this is the most effective approach, just like there are varying opinions about if COVID is real or if people are actually dying from Da Rona. Now vaccines are on the way and that’s stirring the next wave of controversary..

Personally, I ain’t fucking around.

I’m perfectly content with focusing my energy on healing and increasing my health - emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Don’t get me wrong, I love to kick it! I miss dancing, traveling, spending time with my peeps, doing witchy thangs at the major lunations – alla dat! I’m bout that freedom and joy of life. But I have come to understand that we occasionally need a time out. Periodically we need to stay home, study, pray, meditate, exercise, learn new shit, unlearn old shit - all the things we don’t have time to do or are too distracted to do but know we should and need to do.

This is the gift concealed in the seemingly shit-show the material world is right now. Many folks have tried to move forward with life as if little to nothing has changed. Many folks look at the state of the world from a distance not realizing or accepting that where we go collectively is the responsibility of each of us individually. and that we will never be back to where we were. We are all being called to rebuild our internal and external existence with a clean slate based on the possibilities and the work we are willing to do personally with a common goal around unity.

But I get it. Erbody is not with that. Erbody doesn’t see it that way. Erbody has their own way of expressing, dealing, and navigating. Erbody can and will do whatever works for them. The downside is that Rona is teaching us that we are all connected so you “doing you” might cost someone else their life. But even that I get. The elevated vibration to which the earth is evolving is not and will not be accessible to everyone. Erbody not gonna make it. Now that doesn’t mean say fuck it and open up erthang, drop masks, screw social distancing, and let the chips fall where they may. It simply means, we are approaching a new age with a higher vibration and some folks ain’t willing and/or able to do The Work to successfully make that transition.

What’s The Work?

It’s multifaceted, multi-dimensional, and mono-dimensional plus requires commitment, humility, and integrity.

Here is some real talk to ponder about how you are gonna move along your path in 2021 as we electric boogaloo the fuck up outta 2020:

  1. Piss or get off the pot. What the fuck did you come here to do – here to this life, to this planet, to this existence to do? If you came to be a healer, then get to work healing yourself so you can authentically guide others in their own healing. If you came to run a business, then get to work learning how to start and run a sustainable business with compassion. If you came to be an artist, get to work creating. And unless you came to be a starving artist (which is possible), learn sales and marketing or get a business partner. Bottom line - figure out your path and walk that shit. The world needs you at your fullest most authentic self.

  2. Don’t talk about it, be about it. Is the shit you say or do the real you? Is it reflective of your true values and your character? Or is it all a front? Have you carefully (perhaps unknowingly) crafted a persona and now you live your life as that character and seek out people to validate your personal projection? The planet needs authenticity and accountability demonstrated in how we respect and love ourselves, how we treat each other, how we exist in harmony with the earth. Do that mirror work and get real with yourself.

  3. Stop bullshittin’. We are all struggling. We have all struggled. My struggle may not look like yours but its real to me and vice versa. In fact, our struggles are the very thing we are here to work through and overcome to be on path and on purpose. Inertia is real. Being lazy AF is real too, so is fearing failure and being afraid of success. You don’t need that one person, that one dollar, that one thing that someone took from you when you were 8. You need to do what you came here to do. Humanity needs what you have. To birth this new world that is crowning from the womb of the universe, we need the genius that you were born with. It may need nurturing or development but the gift that you have to give the world is already within you, it IS you!

  4. Cut cords. A lot of shit needs to go! People, stuff, habits, beliefs, viewpoints, routines, jobs, relationships - you name it, it’s all up for reconfiguration now. Let. Shit. The. Fuck. Go. If its external to your being, you can’t change it, transmute it, or heal it - none of that. You can only change yourself. You can only transmute your own energy. You can only heal you. That’s it’s. You also have to loosen the cords with your kids, as they grow and become independent, you have to let go. Little cord snips. You can’t elevate with all them weighted bags – you gon miss yo bus.

  5. Face your own inner demons. You can’t put lipstick on a pig and expect it to turn into the glamorous Miss Piggy muppet. You can’t put icing on a shitcake and think it will taste like some bomb rumcake. You have to dig up the sadness, anxiety, worry, grief, guilt, shame – any residual negative energy, concepts, beliefs, shadows, or trauma – to expose it to the light, sort it out, get the lesson and transmute the pain. You have to face your shit and actually work through it, not just say slick shit that sounds like you got it together. Woman UP (or Femme Up, or Man Up, or Non-Binary Up) and focus on healing you. Again, we need you, the real, healed, complete you!

  6. Burn that karma. If your people are from the United States (or any part of the Diaspora) for at least 5-7 generations, you are likely either a descendant of enslaved Africans, a descendant of enslavers, or both. Bottom line you/me/we all have karmic debt. Shit has been WILD these last several hundred years with horrendous tragedies inflicted on humans by other humans. We each owe the Universal energy bank some positive polarity payments to counter the negative energy that we contributed in past lives or in ancestral bloodlines. In other words, abuse of freedom, abandonment, addiction, betrayal, abuse of power, trauma, etc from past lives or ancestral lineages as either the perpetrator or the victim, all has to be reconciled and dealt with in THIS life. Get to work learning your family history and how they manifest as your personal patterns so you can focus your energy payments and help us make this global vibratory shift.

  7. Do betta, be betta. People out here dying at the hands of police. People out here wearing a badge and straight murdering people. People out here profiting from and contributing to child sex trafficking. People out here committing genocide. People out here being complicit in their own genocide. Not too long-ago, people were out here fighting over a fucking chicken sandwich. Tighten it up humanity. We have so much potential, light beings across the universe are watching, sending us energy, and rooting for us. We can do this, and we need you!

So, if you don’t see me IRL until later in 2021, know that I love you and I wish the best for you, but my ancestors have put me on task. I’m tightening my shit up and getting ready for this level up.

Whacha’ll havin’ for dinner?

Take three deep breaths... and embrace who the f*ck you are.

Welcome to Beautiful Powerful Love 2.0



Suga, You Ain’t Everybody’s Cup of Tea.


Finding Myself… Again. Beautiful Powerful Love 2.0