Black Women: Remember who the f*ck you are.

You are a whole miracle. You are the mother of humanity, the essence of sensuality, and the very spirit of innovation. You cannot be replicated, defined by others, or reduced to a caricature. Your wisdom, intellect, and physical expression are uniquely yours and exist for a purpose. The planet and all of existence needs you - the authentic, healed you.

Renew your wisdom. Nourish your mind. Celebrate your life.
You are who humanity has been waiting for.

You are the essence of beauty.

Honey, do you know how beautiful you are?

Everything about you is appealing and alluring, and despite the lies the world tells, you are the incomparable blueprint of pure beauty.

You see, racism is deep and pervasive and can only be rivaled by sexism. Envy and lust, racism and sexism, intertwine to form a twisted fiber of misogynoir that binds society to the lies spewed by colonizers and enslavers.

The fact is, we live in a world where the entertainment and advertising industries, celebrities and politicians, and even some Black men, revere European standards of beauty.

Thus, in opposition to the absence of external validation, Black women must reject the subtle and overt degradation to embrace and love the f*ck out of every aspect of our beings right where we are now!

Don’t wait until the waist is snatched or the face is beat or some other criteria - love your body, your face, your hair, your smile, your eyes - every part of you. Speak lovingly to each and every part of you, daily and repeatedly until every cell of your body radiates love and you have no doubt that you are radiantly beautiful.

Queen, do you know how powerful you are?

You are the power that transforms nothing into something.

You are the power that birthed humanity. You are the water that cuts through mountains, nourishes the earth, and without which, humanity could not exist or survive.

But others want you to believe that you have no power. You, we, have been lied to sis. Closely examine the Civil Rights and Black Power movements of the 60s and 70s or the Black Lives Matter movement in current times or even the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Black women repeatedly demonstrate our wisdom, strategy, intellect, compassion, collaboration, and tenacity to accomplish the seemingly impossible. And that scares the sh*t out of those who benefit from chaos and division.

Instead of learning from the various manifestations of Black women’s power, others seek to harness our power for their own gain - be it a government, a corporation, or an insecure romantic partner.

Time to draw back your power! Withdraw your power from the toil and trouble that drains you as it fuels the realization of someone’s dream.

Take time to explore YOUR dreams. Discover what you want to manifest in your own life. Dream big and unapologetically, unbound by the constraints society has created. Withdrawing our power, energy, and focus away from a system that has conditioned us to energetically wet-nurse the world can be a frightening endeavor. Thus, establishing clarity about what you truly want to manifest is a critical step in building confidence in yourself. You can create your best life and contribute to a world where others can do the same.

Your existence is power.

You are loved, loving, and lovable.

Sis, do you know how much love radiates in and through you?

Although it may not feel like it sometimes, you are the heiress of pure divine love., and the love you pour into your family, friends, and creations is truly exquisite.

The problem is that the world has told you that giving love to others to the point of depletion is the only way you can receive love. And of course that’s a lie. Black women have been duped into believing our worthiness of love is tied to selfless, continuous. and warped demonstrations of love to others like the perpetual caregiving Mammy or the over-sexualized Jezebel stereotypes.

The truth is, Black women have an immeasurable capacity to love all of humanity but have been programmed to seek love rather than simply be and attract love.

When it comes to self-love, our tanks are low and our reservoirs are empty from all the giving and lack of receiving - even from ourselves. No one and no thing can fill our love tanks or replenish our reserves except us. This depletion began long ago within our Ancestral mothers and has only become more dire within us today.

It’s time to be your own lover. It’s time to delve into yourself just as you would a new romantic partner. Its time to tenderly nurture yourself like a precious child. Learning to unconditionally love yourself is a process of revealing as you explore all aspects of you and your life including and especially the parts you believe are unlovable.

Take your time and savor the experience of falling in love with you. Do and say loving things to yourself daily. Show yourself affection and treat yourself to experiences that bring you joy. Toxic thoughts and old patterns will fight to stay active - just notice them with amusement and lovingly tell them “Oh baby, we don’t do that anymore!” Then, write yourself a love letter and read it out loud in front of the mirror - regularly. Straight up romance yourself and allow the sweetness of love to fill your consciousness. Bit by bit, your reservoir will fill, your tank will overflow, and before you know it, you will realize that love is always present and never lacking in your life.


How can we realize that we are the definition of Beautiful Powerful Love?

Embrace the spiraling and continuous journey of healing and transformation.

We do The Work. We cut cords with all that does not serve us. We cry. We laugh. We breathe. We go through sh*t. We dance. We create. We manifest. We live abundantly. We thrive unapologetically.

We are Black women and Femmes as well as our co-conspirators. We support, nourish, encourage, inspire, and protect. We gather at the market. We gather on tree tops. We gather at T-roads. We gather on the waters.